A Mother's Bouquet


A Mother’s Bouquet comes from the sweet memories of my children picking flowers from around the neighboring fields for me. This piece is rich in tone and texture painted with oil on a 8in x 10in canvas. The deep blue to represent responsibility while the flowers sit on a table of light blue for peaceful. The flower petals are painting in bright colors to signify the creativity, energy, and simplicity. This artwork is framed in a beautiful antique frame measuring 12.5in x1 4.5in x 2in.

Please note that colours of the painting may vary slightly from screen to screen.


This painting will be packaged carefully and shipped out of my studio in Grand Rapids, MI within 4-7 business days.

Please proceed to checkout to see the shipping costs for your shipping address and contact me if you have any questions.

Please note that due to Covid-19 it may take around 2-6 weeks for your order to arrive.


This painting comes framed. Due to the age of the antique frame there may be small imperfections.

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